Graph Tech ResoMax NV1 6mm Tune-O-Matic Bridge Nickel PM-8863-N0

by Graph Tech
$88.78 USD
The PM-8863-N0 is our 6mm ResoMax NV1 tune-o-matic bridge in a nickel finish. This lightweight, high strength bridge will increase harmonic content and leave your guitar dripping with tone.  It comes preloaded with ResoMax alloy saddles to retain the vintage look and tone of your guitar.

This is a great option to upgrade or replace the existing bridge on your Epiphone, EST, LTD, Schecter or many other import electric guitar.

ResoMax NV2 tune-o-matic bridges are made from our proprietary lightweight ResoMax alloy that will leave each note dripping in tone and harmonics.  Exclusive to the ResoMax System, the AutoLock™ locking feature magnetically secures your bridge and tailpiece at all times without a tool to use or lose, making restringing quick and simple.