DS Engineering Chronograph Pedalboard Clock Timer

by DS Engineering
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$59.99 USD

Time can be a powerful ally or your worst enemy.  The Chronograph power-up grants you control of time.  Take control of time and you'll take control of your destiny.  The struggles of staying on schedule will be a thing of the past, lost in the abyss of time itself.  But this is no ordinary timepiece.  It will also count up or down at the command of your foot.

The Chronograph is first and foremost a clock that's purpose designed for your pedalboard.  Many venues don't place clocks on their walls because they don't want their customers to leave.  Unfortunately this leaves us musicians in a predicament.  No more pulling out your phone or glancing at your watch to see how much time is left in your set!  We all know how unprofessional that can look to your audience.  Nobody will suspect a thing when you simply look at your pedalboard!

The internal coin cell battery allows the Chronograph to accurately track time for up to 10 years before it needs to be replaced. External power is only needed to light up the display.  Every time you plug in your pedalboard the current time will only be a glance away.  Both 12 and 24 hour clock formats are available by changing the appropriate setting in the setup menu.

  • Clock, countdown timer, and stopwatch modes
  • Internal coin cell battery keeps clock running while unplugged
  • External 80mA@9V power required to light the display
  • Configurable display blink setting warns you when time is expiring
  • Compact size fits on any pedalboard, measures 3 1/8" x 1 9/16"
Note: This unit is constructed of plastic in order to keep it lightweight and lower priced.

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